Before I continue with my NFL power rankings, let me just state how much I hate Twitter. I hope no one disagrees with me about this. Seriously though, someone should hack into Twitter's mainframe and just delete it forever. Virus the shit out of that thing. I log online today to gather some new sports news and I immediately see that Lendale White and Chris Johnson are in a light feud over some stupid shit regarding their mutual nickname ("Smash and Dash") because of something Johnson "tweeted" (don't ever let me allow that term to leave those quotation marks). Yeah, it's probably all in jest and the media is surely overreacting but it calls to mind Charlie Villanueva's use of Twitter at halftime of an NBA game. Message to Pro Athletes from someone with little athletic prowess but who does have some common sense: Stop fucking twittering.
I was just as dismayed to read in the article, which I'll include a link to at the end of the post, that "[Lendale] White isn't one to back to back down, so he dared Johnson to unveil a new touchdown celebration." What? Did I misread that? So an NFL player dared a feuding teammate to do a new dance as a means of getting even? How about running him over in practice or better yet, in a move that actually might help the organization and team itself, challenge him to something that actually has to do with playing so that a healthy competition can develop and better both players? Shit makes me sick. I would love to hear Mike Singletary's comments were something like this to happen on the 49ers. Johnson and White remain two of my favorite players to watch, though, and I clearly still think the Titans will be an elite team this year.
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