"Yeah man, the corporations. Right now they're raping the world for money!" A 'hippie' utters these words during a South Park episode. After going to my first 'show' in the true jam band/festival mode, these words could never seem ironic. I love hippie music, and I love many aspects of the hippie way. But the true hipsters at these concerts, the one's who follow around the bands, are really just like corporations--trying to rape the commoners for all their worth. After attending last night's Phish show, this was evident. Walking down "Shakedown Street" is an unpleasant, harried feel, as you essentially walk around a pretty narrow, crowded row with people trying to rip you off to make a buck. I mean, who sells a mediocre chillum for 30 dollars, that is just acenine. The beauty of a tailgate is whippin' out the charcoal, slammin on a few burgers and knockin down some brews (or in my case, Stoli-Orange and tonics baby). Who the hell eats pizza at a tailgate? That's less American than Hedo Turkoglu. I don't see the allure of treating a tailgate like a concession stand...The scene before and after the Phish concert can best be described as this: It rated about a 7 on the crunchiness scale. You have your share of hardcore fans who tour the band and dress the part, your washed-up, 90s fan, some crunched out hippy chicks, your fratty, more casual fans, and then some randos who look out of place. And way to many "Jakes" (cops), trying to Jake people. And in the midst of the mayhem, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted.
The music can be summed up with one word: fire. Seeing Phish is an experience like none other. I'm not a Phishead, nor do I consider them one of favorite bands. But it was hands down the most magical show I have ever seen. There is something special about them that permeates through the crowd. They play for an absurdly long time, with lengthy, ludicrous jams that make you forget about your fatigue, dry mouth, and lack of beer for four hours. And their light shows are a genuine trip. The highlights of the night were 1) "Divided Sky": They opened the show with this, and it was a redonkulous, sublime, and beautiful journey 2) "Story of The Ghost": an intense, grooved out, mystical journey, 3) "Drowned": cover of The Who during which they jammed out reeeeal hard 4) "You Enjoy Myself": a live Phish classic that sent the crowd into a frenzy, and then another planet 5) "Waste": Chillest song of the night (along with dirt), that literally gave me goosebumps.
Overall, the Phish experience is relatively crunchy, musically amazing, and unforgettable.
Na Ma Ste.
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