Long before Pixar took over the world, there was another form of animation that was both visually pleasing and pretty legit--ANIME! Pixar is the bomb, and I'm really pumped to see Up (after I get liiiifteeeed). But Anime (around since 1917) has clearly been an influence of sorts for Pixar, as they are usually pretty trippy, out of this world stories that expand one's mind and imagination. And as Up has displayed, sometimes the imagined and animated is far superior to the "substance" in most films. And oddly enough, there is a link between Anime and the star of one of this summer's shittier movies...Christian Bale. In 2005, while Batman Begins was running shit, Bale starred in the dubbed version of an Anime film at pretty much the exact same time. And Bale's animated character certainly owns John Connor on the badass scale. Rather than wasting your time at Terminator, Netflix or stream Howl's Moving Castle (also starring Billy Crystal's voice), and listen to Bale's sweet voice in one of his better movies. No, he may not kill any thugs, deliver any creepy soliliquies, but his animated persona tears shit up as the dope wizard, Howl:
Dats Piff Right Thurr.
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