A few thoughts before I hit you with some jamz.
1. I caught HP6 on Friday, and had very mixed feelings about it. While it did not blow my mind, it was certainly one of the better films from the franchise and set up the finale very well. Not enough quiddich or Cho Chung for me. The real highlights of the film were Hermione and Ginny-babies got back. After hearing a friend recently rattle of Emma Watson's Wikipedia page (she's deciding between Trinity and Yale, fyi), I must agree that she has got it all going on.
2. The Erin Andrews peep hole video isn't that sweet. You can kind of tell it's her. You can kind of see her ass. She needs to enter the sex tape realm, preferably with someone like Visante Shiancboner or Julio "Batbag" Lugo*.
3. Good way to start off the second half of the season for the Yanks but a) the Tigers aren't that legit b) I still don't trust Joba and need to see him be consistent, and c) Hughes is the biggest reason for them being 17 games over .500. Without him, the Red Sox bullpen would shatter us.
*Lugo is known as "Batbag" in clubhouses because that's what is allegedly needed to conceal his schlong.
Fred Falke is the fucking truth. It's 8:08 P.M. on the beach somewhere.
When We're Together - Morjac & Fred Falke Feat. Sarah Tyler
Make You Mine - Miami Horror (Fred Falke Remix) (Right Click, Save As)
This video is to a remix of one of my favorite tunes. I don't really understand why whoever produced this video went in this direction, but I'm preeettyyy cool with it. Hot hot hot:
Blinded by the Dopeness.
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