The coach of the Denver Broncos is a flat out schmohawk. First, he jettisoned Jay Cutler, one of the top quarterbacks in the league with arguably the best arm since Brett Favre (pre-drama queen days) out of town. Now, star receiver and enemy of the state, Brandon Marshall, wants out, as he has refused to show up for mini camp and has requested a trade. Can you really blame Marhsall here? Yes, he may have an um, volatile past with women, but it's not like he shot himself or anything. The guy caught 100 passes the past two seasons and is clearly one of the elite receivers in the NFL. Rather than alienate all of his players, McDaniels, a 33 year old coach, should maybe try bonding with them a bit more. Just look at Phil Jackson, one of the more laissez-fair coaches of all time--and the one with the most championships. Being a hardass all of the time is simply the wrong path to take, especially if some of your players are older than you. Just because you may not like one of your players doesn't mean you need to get rid of him (a la Coughlin-Burress). Talent is talent, and you can't replace Pro Bowl QBs and Receivers in the fly. Clearly, while he may be a jackass, Marshall wants nothing to do with this new coach, who seems determined to drive this train into the ground. Now, McDaniels traded his "party animal QB" Cutler and is stuck with Kyle "The Bottle" Orton (pictured above). Hmmm. Smart move. Cutler may not party as hard as Orton or be as likable a guy, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to discern that Cutler is a far superior QB. McDaniels might be left with the lethal combination of Orton-Eddie Royal (along with nine running backs on the current roster that make you say uhhhh), with Brandon Stokely and Chad Jackson competing for the backup wide receiver. This season should remind you Broncos fan a lot of Elway-Smith. Slurp up that WhackDaniels.
At least you're not from Minnesota...These commercials are the only good thing to come out of that state:
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