I finally saw UP last night, and it did not disappoint. The movie is, fo sho, the bdc. Up is a roller coaster, thrill ride of a movie, during which you are laughing about 75 percent of the time, crying 20 percent of the time, and 5 percent of the time hoping you got moves like the protagonist Carl Fredeerickson when you're supposed to be old and decrepit. The movie is a feel good adventure tale that takes you into a fantasy world while relating it to pretty much anyone's life. And the film has many layers of meaning: letting go of lost loved ones, the power of friendship, along with, of course, how damn sweet animals are. My favorite character had to be Doug the talking dog, who continually makes you laugh right after the film has gone into its somewhat sadder segments. Oh and word on the street is that Michael Vick helped train the animated dogs, letting them know what it takes to be a true OG in the world of dogs gone bad. Overall, while there is some incongruity in the film (real life vs. fantasy), it is another tight addition to Pixar's legacy, up there with the likes of Wall-E and The Incredibles.
Kobe's about to win a ring thanks to the superb refs of the No Balls Association...At least I have this video:
"You guys ever shower with John Amici?"
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