I remember when I was about five years old, and I turned on MTV and first saw the video of Black or White by Michael Jackson. It was a magical moment for me, perhaps the first time I had an emotional experience with music. Man, I wanted to be that kid (Macauly Culkin) in the video, dancing and getting down with Michael Jackson. I wanted to shake what my momma gave me in the Sahara. I wanted to transform into a Black Panther. CHAMOOONA. Ten years later, I was embarassed to be a fan of his, and that is probably why I went the route of the rap scene, attending SummerJams, validating my heterosexuality in the face of the MJ Trauma. In the past few years, I've come to realize (again) that his music is in fact quite magical, and great to party to. And while I don't condone his touching fetish, I dig on his groove more than ever. So, in the wake of his demise or rebirth?), I've sifted through the buckets of shit posted on the internet blogs the past week and found the best remixes that do the King Of Pop(pin little boy's buttholes):
I WANT YOU BACK-READYMADE 524 Remix by Yasuharu Konishi (right click, save)
This is the fucking tittays. The BDC. I finally found it. Enjoy...
SCREAM- Classic Club Mix (right click, save)
THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL-Extended Dance Version (right click, save)
Daft Punk vs. MJ- Rock with You
MJ vs. Bag Raiders-You Are Not Alone (right click, save)
Shooting Stars and The Thrilla...count it...
Rock My World-MJ and Jay Z (right click, save, and nut yourself)
Parody of Black or White...Good Shit:
"I play with little animals and hang out with Macauly all night."
Long live the toucher of all things under the age of 12.
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