The Kobe of Europe--Christiano Ronaldo--got his ass handed to him on a silver platter today by my boys Messi, Eto, and Xavi of Barcelona. Booyakasha. Yes, he has skills. Yes, I'm sure he rakes in the poonani. Yes, he's probably got a sick crib. Or five. But anyone who dances before a penalty kick and applies that amount of hair gel, is, yes, a fifi mon. Hopefully, Kobe will follow suit, and we get to see two botti boys go down for the price of one on this evening.
While watching last night's Magic-Cavs game, I had the following three thoughts:
1. The Refs in the NBA are either semi-retarded, getting paid by David Stern, or had money on the game. There was no way Pietrus fouled Lebron there--it's a contact sport.
2. Mike Brown is a shitty coach and should (and probably will) get the boot. He played Boobie Gibson and Wally's World big minutes when they have barely played all series. How can a team be expected to win a championship when they do not even have a set rotation in late May?
3. Lebron's chances of becoming a Knick just increased--by a lot. BOOM.
Lykke Li keeps it real:
Cop her album. It's the bdc. And she's not bad looking either.
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